Imagine a museum where visitors have their own personal museum guide. A guide which tells them only the content which actually interests them. With TIMA - The Intelligent Museum Assistant - we make this a reality. By using artificial intelligence, we turn a museum visit into a completely new interactive experience.
TIMA - The Intelligent Museum Assistant - runs on all commercially-available smartphones/ tablets (Android/IOS) and will revolutionise knowledge transfer in your museum. Our interactive application is operated by voice-control, via headphones with an integrated microphone. It can - similar to a human conversation - understand individual questions about the exhibits and provide customised answers. The museum visitors are thus actively involved in the transfer of knowledge, which not only increases their attention but also provides loads of fun. TIMA enables small groups and even individuals to enjoy an inexpensive personal tour. TIMA is also extremely useful for museums, helping them to understand and respond to what visitors really want. Find out about further advantages of TIMA.
TIMA does not merely answer questions. It is also able to proactively address museum visitors. As soon as they approach an exhibit, the application can lure them out of their shell, for example, by saying "This is exhibit XY. Would you like to know more about it?" which makes the dialogue even more lively and interactive.
TIMA's answers are based on content provided by the museum. But what exactly do museum visitors want to know? This is where the virtual guide can help. In consideration of data protection, TIMA saves the questions and activities of the visitors in text form. The museum staff can view these at any time, thus gradually adding new content and adapting the answers. In fact, the artificial intelligence learns too. It understands the questions of the users better and better with each use.
The stored information about questions and activities of museum visitors also provides concrete, useful indications of where their real interests lie. For example, it recognises the exhibits in which the visitors are more interested and those in which they are less interested. This enables the museum to adapt the exhibition more and more to the needs of the public and to better plan for future exhibitions.
TIMA can be used by individuals and also by groups. This makes it possible for several visitors to talk to the guide and hear the same questions and answers at the same time. This additional feature ensures that a visit to the museum is not only informative, but also a social experience."
TIMA can also be used as a classic audio guide. The request "Tell me something about...!" is all it takes to listen to all the stored information about an exhibit. Museum visitors can therefore choose at any time whether they want to use the progressive or classic version of digital knowledge transfer.
Since museum visitors can use TIMA via their own smartphones, complex hygiene measures such as cleaning the museum's own equipment are no longer necessary. In addition, with our interactive museum guide - unlike a personal tour - it is no problem to keep the minimum distance. It is no problem to incorporate TIMA into an existing virtual museum tour, enabling visitors to use TIMA from home.
In October 2020, TamerinTECH received an order for the development and implementation of TIMA for the Yaacov Agam Museum in Israel. In December 2020, a contract from the Deutsches Museum Bonn followed, in line with its thematic reorientation, which is completely dedicated to Artificial Intelligence. Now we want to bring TIMA to other German museums. Explore new technology with us! Test TIMA in your museum! Be a pioneer in digital knowledge transfer and benefit from the media attention it will attract!
No problem! You provide us with the contents of your exhibits and we will revolutionise the transfer of knowledge in your museum. If you wish, we can start with a trial run for five to ten exhibits. If required, TIMA can be extended later with minimum effort.
If we have ignited your interest, we are happy to send you an obligation-free quote.
Please contact us by e-mail at or call us on +49 (0) 8026-3872598.
TamerinTECH was founded in Munich in 2017 and is a technology start-up company that implements innovative and individual smart solutions and AI applications. Since 2020, we have been entirely focussed on the development of the virtual museum guide. The founder and inventor is the Israeli-born software developer and consultant, Ron Tamerin, who has been living in Munich since 2016. Throughout his almost 20 years of professional experience, he has worked with well-known companies, including BMW and Henkel AG. With Ron's focus on artificial intelligence and speech recognition, he has all the necessary skills for the technical implementation of TIMA. Since 2020, he has been Managing Director of the team at TamerinTECH and has been working with a network of freelancers to revolutionise knowledge transfer in museums. Since December 2020, TamerinTECH is also a partner of IBM and participates in their start-up program.
Since 2018, Ron Tamerin has been working as a team leader in the areas of AI and speech recognition for BMW (including for major international exhibitions CES 2019 and CES 2020 in Las Vegas). For Henkel AG, he developed an AI chatbot for the accounting department in 2019. Inspired by these activities, he increasingly asked himself how the technology of voice-controlled artificial intelligence could be usefully transferred to other areas, such as the cultural sector. And so, the virtual museum guide TIMA was born. One year later, our developer was commissioned to realise it for the Yaacov Agam Museum, for which he had previously implemented the so-called smart camera. In December 2020, Ron Tamerin was commissioned by the Deutsches Museum Bonn to develop the virtual guide. Ron was awarded the contract due to his outstanding expertise. This is what our customers/references have to say.
Ron Tamerin
Founder TamerinTECH
Please feel free to call or send us an e-mail. We look forward to hearing from you